sábado, 12 de maio de 2007

Campo Mourão

I´m in the small town of Campo Mourão, a two hour drive from the Paraguaian border. Since we had a day off yesterday we took the time to redesign the lighting. Tonight we go on stage with Isadora.Orb. We spent the day trying to figure out the lighting of the piece. Up till now we had only had time to set up and perform and not take the time to insure the quality of the projections. But we figured it out and tonights show should be beautiful.

Campo Mourão is by no means an attractive city. Not like Maringá. That was truly an oasis of urban planning. The last Maringá show, however, didn´t go so well. We were suffering from "second night syndrome". We let our guard down after opening night and everything started to go wrong. I skipped a text. My camera was on the wrong settings and had to do the readjustments during the performance. Andrea had a huge grasshopper land on her lap while she was adjusting volumes and when my return speaker blew out I just relaxed and thought; come what may! Actually, nobody in the audience noticed. But it was one of those nights in which I was just wishing the play would end.

Life is completely different here in rural Brazil. My skin misses the beach. But there is a tranquility of the mind that has set in making me miss my days in Brasilia and even Amsterdam.

Um comentário:

Neusa Portilio disse...

Estou muito feliz por ter tido a oportunidade de assistir ao espetáculo Isadora.org. É uma linguagem completamente nova para mim, e eu fiz uma viagem maravilhosa. Estou curtindo, também, os comentários no blog sobre nossa região, nossas cidades; é um olhar de um grande observador, parece aquela imagem grande da face da Andréia logo nos primeiros momentos do espetáculo.